When you make a donation to DVAC, you are directly helping a member of this community who has been affected by Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault. Our goal is to provide a solid foundation for our clients that they can use to rebuild their lives.


Some examples of how donations may be used are:

  • Purchasing new clothes, shoes, and personal care items for clients who come to us with very few personal belongings

  • Purchasing needed items for families who are starting over in a new home

  • Purchasing fresh food items for clients in Shelter

  • Adding updates and improvements to our Shelter

  • Educational presentations in our counties' schools


If you would like to donate some of our most-needed items using our Amazon Wishlist, visit our link at: .

1. Sign into Amazon.com
2. Click this link.
3. Click "Add to Cart" on the items you would like to purchase for us.
4. IMPORTANT: Select "Domestic Violence and Abuse Center Inc.'s Gift Registry Address" as the shipping address.
5. Proceed with the rest of the checkout as normal, and then you're done!

If you have items you would like to drop off, please give us a call at 701-331-0466. You can find a wish list of our most needed items here.